Until this weekend I had given up my nicotine addiction for a far more healthier habit of oxygen and exercise. Unfortunately the stresses of my first job in over twelve months coupled with my love of all things alcoholic have recently sent me in to remission. It is an excuse, but I am good at making them and as always I have a quote to back it up.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, what matters is the courage to continue." - Winston ChurchillYes, it is true. After over twelve months of blissful unemployment I once again find myself contributing to society. I am now working four days a week in a couple of different schools helping kids with varying disabilities learn shit. Before you think it yes, I can see the irony of a head case like me doing this sort of work.
The most exciting part is that I have a desk. I have never had a desk before. It is not a big one, nor is it terribly fancy and I have to share it. None the less, it is a desk.
While I appreciate the school affording me such a provision, I don't plan on using it too much. Number one, given the nature of my role I highly doubt I will find much time to actually sit at it. Number two the desk comes with one of those cool swivelly chairs which would be an endless source of amusing procrastination for me. Finally, if I wanted to sit at a desk I would of got a far better paying desk job as a public servant with the Department of Acronym.
They say all good things come to an end. Unfortunately I think my run of being right of the center finally has. It was fun while it lasted. I got a little too high at one stage and spilt a beer at the pub, not because I was drunk but because my brain had put the beer down long before my arm had finished completing the task. The early stages of mania are interesting indeed. I thought it was hilarious but I don't think the people I was with appreciated my mood quite so much. Still, it is the price you pay for associating with a crazy. I don't know how I've managed to procure friends with such incredible tolerance.
Anyhow, here I am, back to my boring old self, contemplating forcing myself to sleep because I want to be up at 6am to get in a run before work. Still being at a normal mood state isn't so bad, I hear there are some poor souls that spend most of their life in such a way.
At least when I am like this I can still enjoy videos of animals doing mildly amusing things.
Stay awesome.
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